Sunday, September 5, 2010

Training of Trainors (iLMIS) Library System Graduation

After 5 days of training here we are receiving our certificates. We are now ready to share our newly learned ideas to our co-workers.

Training of Trainors (iLMIS) Library System

This was taken during the Trainors Training about Library System in Hillside Resort Palawan. Everybody enjoyed the time we spent there. The place was so clean, you can feel the fresh air and it also feels like your a miles away from the polluted world.

Unique Tricycle of Palawan

Every place has its own unique trademark of transportation. We may have our own version of tricycle, but Palawan's version is quite different it looks like a car.Unlike the normal tricycle, there own version have only 2 passengers...(hehehe) so unique...Im sure you will enjoy riding here...